The New Reality is here now
Be informed, inspired and prepared! There is no going back to the old normal. Listen to The New Reality podcast series, recapping the highlights of the UK ICF Online Conference 2020. An excellent way to get an overview of what each stream offered. Better still, buy the complete recordings covering four days of this exceptionally timely content.
You are leading the way for how virtual conferences should be run.”
“I enjoyed every session of this conference - they are superb!”
“Ground breaking, highly relevant and fantastic content, I am blown away!”
2020 Conference Feedback
26 World Class Speakers
Share their knowledge and expertise on our collective New Reality:
What we need to be thinking about, what matters now and how we prepare ourselves.
Dr Emily Grossman
Fraser Murray
Charly Cox, PCC
Dr Barbara Mariposa
Coach Bot Rachel Bamber, PCC
Helen Morris, Louise Gohr & Dominic Curran
Carole Gaskell
Aboodi Shabi
Lucy Widdowson, PCC & Paul Barbour
Agility in an Uncertain World – Using Improvisation in Coaching
Julie Flower
Dr Jonathan Ashong-Lamptey
Ingrid Pope, ACC
Jenny Bird, MCC & Sarah Gornall, PCC
Panel: Sam Isaacson, John Welsh, Eleanor Winton. Moderator: Jozefa Fawcett
The in person conference was £380.00 to listen to up to five speakers of your choice.
We are offering all of the digital conference recordings for just £80.00!